10 elements of entrepreneurship
01 Only 39% of entrepreneurial businesses have a ‘very good idea’ of their competitors’ business.
-- Deloitte Entrepreneurship UK 2009 Report
02 A latent pool of hidden innovators (over 50s, ethnic minorities, the disabled) could potentially add £15 billion to the UK economy by 2012 if the right conditions were created.
-- Cass Business School Centre for New Technologies, Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
03 There are around 4.8 million private sector enterprises in the UK, employing 22.8 million people with an estimated combined annual turnover of £3,200 billion.
-- http://stats.bis.gov.uk/ed/sme/Stats_Press_release_2009.pdf
04Small and medium-sized enterprises together account for 99.9% of all UK enterprises, 59.8% of private sector employment and 49% of private sector turnover.
-- http://stats.bis.gov.uk/ed/sme/Stats_Press_release_2009.pdf
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Thursday, 18 August 2011
The Age of the Entrepreneur
Richard Downs is founder and chief executive of the ski, cruise and family holiday company, Iglu.com. Richard graduated from London Business School in 1998.
Small is bountiful: I had the idea for Iglu back in 1998. We have been in existence for over a decade and have grown but we are still small and nimble in the way we think. By nature we are very anti-corporate. We are still nonbureaucratic and not meeting oriented even though we now have 120 people.
Have faith: For an entrepreneur, belief is seven-tenths of the job.
Additional funding: At the end of 2009 Matrix Private Equity Partners invested £4.3 million in Iglu.com. This bought them a 35 per cent stake. This enabled us to buy out two of the initial institutional investors and gave us a much clearer run into the future. Now we are entirely debt free.
Patience: It has taken much longer than I ever thought it would to reach this stage. But, in other ways we totally under-estimated where we would be in 2011. After all, when we started out there was no Google or Facebook. The world has changed. Now online commerce is bigger than the UK construction industry. Even the government now appreciates the importance of online commerce as a sector.
The glass?: Entrepreneurs are optimistic by nature. They want to change things. An education: My previous experience was all about finance. What I have learned is the importance of people. You have to get the right people and then keep them motivated. It can be highly destructive if you get it wrong. You really need a complementary combination of skills. It was one thing we took for granted early on in the businesses’ development.
Toddling: The other lesson I have learned is not to run before you can walk. We expanded into France and elsewhere without having the right people.
Growing up: Businesses and entrepreneurs grow up. Your working style and the balance of what you and the business do evolves. The first two or three years are totally full on. But that’s not sustainable. You can only ignore your friends and family for so long! You eventually need to get things in balance so you can recognise when you’re near the edge and then do something about it. I found that taking a holiday can allow other people to grow.
Wednesday, 20 July 2011
Topic: Effects of competition in the Telecoms Industry.
By: Solomon Ojeagbase
Telecommunications using a comprehensive framework, I examine the impact of competition in the telecommunications sector. Privatization contributed substantially to labour shedding, output growth, network expansion, and improvements in labor productivity as well as total factor productivity. But how countries privatized is important. Share issue privatization facilitated the development of the mobile market segment. Granting a newly privatized operator a period of exclusive market access, on the other hand, reduced the gains from privatization (due to the output-restricting tendency associated with market power) but not entirely negated the gains.
The presence of competitive pressure in the market was associated with more employment, higher output, faster network expansion, and higher labor and total factor productivity. We find evidence of complementarity between privatization and competition in that competition increased the gains from privatization and vice versa. Estimates show that half of the output growth between 1990 and 1998 was attributable to privatization and competition after controlling for input growth. Competition appeared to have a larger impact on labor and total factor productivity than privatization.
Telecommunication can be defined as the branch of electrical engineering concerned with the technology of electronic communication at a distance, subsequently Telecommunication can also be defined as the system used in transmitting messages over a distance electronically.
Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Football just keeps getting better.
He was substituded after coming in 3 minutes before taking the penalty. I for one don't think he should have been penalised.
Tuesday, 12 July 2011
LeBron James at the mall in Orlando
Why don't we appreciate what we have. We do not recognise our own but we fantasise about celebrities abroad who care less about us. Just as a prophet is not appreciated in his country so is a Nigerian celebrity who we go all the way just to buy their movies or albums.
This might not be the fault of the passers by as some of them at some point or the other would have been embarassed by these celebrities, we feel too highly of ourselves and see how lowly it has gotten us. This is just food for for thought. Treat others how you want to be treated.
Friday, 8 July 2011
Topic: Describe a magazine/ book publication process.
By: Solomon Ojeagbase
There are various processes in publishing a magazine/book if it’s a book for academia, entertainment, financial, infotainment or sports. A magazine/book is generally supposed to share information or enlighten people on issues which are public knowledge or to bring something to the fore. Take for example a story about a teacher who knows very well firsthand how to communicate a topic to her students; a book about this individual will bring the awareness of people to the person in question. That is why we have to be conscious about what we write because once it is written there’s no going back.
We have about ten processes involved and first on the list is research. In research the publisher has to do a thorough evaluation of other magazines/books already in circulation in same genre as his/hers, and map out a plan to outwit them. Also he/she has to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of this other rival publications, in doing this the publisher would have to carefully read the magazines from cover to cover to be able to adequately sift out the flaws. This enables the publisher the convenience to bolster the strengths of his/her own publication.
Given the fact that the publisher is doing a synopsis of other magazine/book from his/her genre, he/she may also want to sketch out his/her target audience and age group; this could mean the people you intend to buy – read your magazine/book. In this case we may be looking at the youth cadre which is from eighteen years to thirty five years or the older cadre which is from 40 year and above. All this information is what will be in the market penetration strategy under research.
Secondly, consider your options and costs. In publishing cost is very important hence you have to consider
Socail media
Thursday, 28 April 2011
Happy EASTER - Its is time for forgiving
This Easter season, I want to wish everybody a glorious resurrection Easter, and in a bid to do this I will try and explain why the Christians celebrate Easter.
Easter signifies the death, resurrection and ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ. Its is also a time for sober reflections on your life so far. Making do away with those things which are not of God, and re-inviting Jesus Christ into your Life to cleanse and wash you clean of any sin or iniquity that might abound in your life.
God has a plan for us all so the Easter season is also for re-evaluation of our life, our actions and in-actions that might be a stumbling block to our prayers being answered.
In John 3:16 God so loved us that he sent his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting Life.
Jesus has also promised us Mansions in Heaven if we abide by his commandment and walk according to the Holy Spirits leading. The Easter season is also a time for forgiveness if you keep grudge against your fellow brothers and sisters God in Heaven will not forgive you your sins. we should endeavor to make peace with everyone no matter how insurmountable the task may be God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
I will like to leave you with this passage of the Bible Romans 8:6
"For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace"
Thursday, 21 April 2011
The Foods and Drinks Jesus Likely Consumed
Over the last several years, with the increasing interest in eating and living healthier, the question about what Jesus might have eaten has become a popular topic of speculation. In some instances we can discover the foods Jesus ate by reading the Bible. For example, Luke 24:41-43 states “And while they still did not believe it because of joy and amazement, he asked them, “Do you have anything here to eat?” They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in their presence.” However, this is one of the rare passages in the Bible actually showing us the types of food and drink Jesus consumed. However, historians and archeologists have made educated guesses based on the foods known to grow in the geographical area and on customs and beliefs during the life of Jesus. The list of foods and beverages below are some of the ones many believe Jesus likely ate in his lifetime.
- Pomegranates
- Fish
- Honey
- Olive Oil and Olives
- Grapes
- Vinegar
- Figs
- Lamb
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Tummy Work Out Tips
‘To get a noticeably flatter stomach within a month, do this workout three times a week. Start off with three sets of 10 to 15 reps of each move, building up to 20 reps as you get fitter,' says Flavia. 'If you're a runner or you do a lot of cardio exercise, try to fit in one circuit of these moves at the end of your workout, as it will strengthen your core and help you to run better.'
The core strengthener
An oldie but a goodie, the plank is the move to perfect if you want a solid core.
1. Lie face down, resting your forearms and hands on the floor. Your legs should be straight.
2. Lift your stomach off the floor, keeping your back fl at and straight, head facing the floor and your weight in your toes and forearms.
3. Pull your stomach muscles in tight and hold for between 30 to 60 seconds. Aim for three repetitions.
The tummy tightener
Monday, 4 April 2011
Jackson's Statue unveiled at Fulhams Craven Cottage
Fulham FC owner Mohammed al Fayed has said fans can "go to _" if they do not appreciate the new Michael Jackson statue at Craven Cottage
Al Fayed Hits Out At Jackson Statue Criticism
Al Fayed Hits Out At Jackson Statue Criticism Play video Al Fayed Hits Out At Jackson Statue Criticism
Mr Al Fayed unveiled the tribute to his late friend ahead of Fulham's Premier League match against Blackpool on Sunday.
He had wanted to put the statue outside London's Harrods store, which he previously owned, but could not get permission.
So Mr Al Fayed decided to erect the memorial near the football club's ground in the city's southwest - to much consternation from Fulham fans.
But the chairman dismissed criticism of the statue as "stupid".
"Football fans love it. If some stupid fans don't understand and appreciate such a gift they can go to _," he said.
"I don't want them to be fans. If they don't understand and don't believe in things I believe in they can go to Chelsea, they can go to anywhere else.
"People will queue to come and visit it from all over the UK and it is something that I and everybody else should be proud of."
Mr Al Fayed invited Jackson to watch a Fulham match in 1999.
Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo is to join Spain to help ease his nation's debt.
Portugal football star Cristiano Ronaldo is to join Spain to help ease his nation's debt crisis and Britain is to begin taxing fresh air, British newspapers reported in their April Fools' Day editions. Skip related content
Portugal's Cristiano Ronaldo is to join Spain to help ease his nation's debt …
According to the Independent broadsheet, Real Madrid winger Ronaldo has agreed to "act like a patriot" and defect to the Spanish national team, netting his debt-ravaged country 160 million euros (227 million dollars).
"Weighed down by debt...Portugal's finance ministry has secured the co-operation of football's highest-paid player in an audacious bid to draw the nation back from the brink of economic collapse," claimed the paper's lead.
Mirror reporter Flora Olip, coincidentally an anagram of April fool, revealed that the British government was to introduced a "gasp" bill to raise taxes from fresh air.
"Olip" reported that the "Air Tariff Control" system would tax areas with fresher air while more polluted cities such as London and Manchester would be due for a rebate.
The paper "cited" a senior Environment Agency technician as saying: "Air is natural but, just like water, it is a finite resource that we have to manage sensibly".
A Labour lawmaker was apparently shocked, admitting it had "literally taken his breath away".
The Daily Express joined in the fun, reporting that a British company had developed a modified Zimmer walking frame which incorporated a skateboard for pensioners who wanted something "a little more speedy".
Tuesday, 22 March 2011
Born to illustrious Families well-known in Lagos
PATERNAL (on the father side)
1. Durosinmi-Etti of Okepopo and
2. Shitta-Bey of Martins Street, Olowogbowo Quarters
MATERNAL (on the mother side)
1. Salvador of Popo Aguda.
2. Oshodi of Epetedo Quarters.
Post-Primary between 1961 and 1968
• Ansar-ud-Deen College Isolo, Lagos
• Comprehensive High School Aiyetoro, Egbado, (Yewa), Ogun State
EDUCATION —Post-Secondary
• Faculty of Law University of Lagos Akoka 1969 -1 972
• Nigeria Law School, 1973.
A qualified Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria since 1973
• Prosecution Counsel Lagos State 1973 -1975
• Private Law Practice 1975—till date.
Born to illustrious Families well-known in Lagos
PATERNAL (on the father side)
1. Durosinmi-Etti of Okepopo and
2. Shitta-Bey of Martins Street, Olowogbowo Quarters
MATERNAL (on the mother side)
1. Salvador of Popo Aguda.
2. Oshodi of Epetedo Quarters.
Post-Primary between 1961 and 1968
• Ansar-ud-Deen College Isolo, Lagos
• Comprehensive High School Aiyetoro, Egbado, (Yewa), Ogun State
EDUCATION —Post-Secondary
• Faculty of Law University of Lagos Akoka 1969 -1 972
• Nigeria Law School, 1973.
A qualified Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Nigeria since 1973
• Prosecution Counsel Lagos State 1973 -1975
• Private Law Practice 1975—till date.
Friday, 11 March 2011
Find out which degrees can lead to real-life success stories.
By Chris Kyle
Chasing the American dream?
Getting a college degree can help a lot.
Just ask Oprah.
The queen of talk majored in speech communications at Tennessee State University in Nashville, home of WLAC-TV, where she became the city's first female African-American news anchor.
Today, she is considered one of the most powerful and influential women in the world.
Clearly one's personal drive accounts for a lot when making it big, but so does a college degree.
[Click here to find the right degree program for you]
Check out which degrees often lead to success, and see how they can help you stand out as a leader too.
Degree #1 - Bachelor's in Business
The old saying "don't mess with success" applies to studying business. Did you know that business is the most popular bachelor's degree in the world, as well as the degree of choice for billionaires like Warren Buffett (University of Nebraska) and Mark Cuban (Indiana University)?
[Find schools that offer Business degrees now]
Studying business can prepare you for a wide variety of jobs in a variety of industries. It also can help you land a high-paying career. According to PayScale's 2010-2011 College Salary Report, workers with a bachelor's degree in business earn more than $70,000 at the mid-career mark.
Related Careers and Salaries:
Insurance Underwriter: $63,330
Budget Analyst: $69,240
Administrative Services Manager: $81,530
[Search for Business schools now]
Degree #2 - Bachelor's in Communications
Oprah isn't the only celebrity with a communications degree. Comedian Jimmy Fallon was originally a computer science major before switching to communications at the College of St. Rose, and shock jock Howard Stern graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a degree in communications.
[Find schools that offer Communications degrees now]
By studying communications, you'll position yourself for success in any number of industries. Whether it's sales, marketing, journalism, or social media, it's hard to imagine a job that doesn't involve the essential art of communication.
Related Careers and Salaries:
Advertising Sales Agent: $53,190
Public Relations Specialist: $59,370
Technical Writer: $65,610
[Search for Communications programs now]
Degree #3 - Bachelor's in Nursing
Although her name might not ring a bell, Hazel W. Johnson-Brown is a true American success story. Johnson-Brown became the highest ranking African-American female in U.S. military history when she was appointed Chief of the Army Nurse Corps in 1979, with the rank of Brigadier General. Johnson-Brown joined the Army in 1955 after attending the Harlem Hospital School of Nursing. While serving her country, Johnson-Brown also received a bachelor's degree in nursing from Villanova University.
[Find schools that offer Nursing degrees now]
Johnson-Brown embodies the selfless attitude that is a hallmark of nurses everywhere. By going to school and getting a bachelor's in nursing, you'll be qualified to get one of the approximately 3 million registered nursing (RN) jobs in this country. And by getting a bachelor's degree, as opposed to an associate's degree or diploma, you could open yourself up to more advancement opportunities.
Related Careers and Salaries:
RN at Nursing Care Facilities: $59,320
RN at Outpatient Care Centers: $65,690
RN at Surgical Hospitals: $67,740
[Search for Nursing programs now]
Degree #4 - Bachelor's in Economics
Ronald Reagan, the father of "Reaganomics," appropriately studied economics at Eureka College. Studying economic theories can help you better understand the way the world works, making it the degree of choice for many successful politicians and business titans, including Donald Trump (University of Pennsylvania), Ted Turner (Brown University), and eBay's Meg Whitman (Princeton University).
[Find schools that offer Economics and Business degrees now]
Economics is a top-paying degree, according to PayScale's 2010-2011 College Salary Report. With economics grads enjoying an average mid-career salary of $97,800, economics trails only engineering, math and science degrees.
Related Career and Salaries:
Financial Analyst: $85,240
Personal Financial Advisor: $94,180
Actuary: $97,450
[Search for Business degree programs now]
Degree #5 - Master's of Business Administration (MBA)
Long before he transformed the athletic shoe industry, Nike's Phil Knight earned his MBA at Stanford University. He's one of many MBA success stories, which include George W. Bush (Harvard), Gen. Colin Powell (George Washington University), and William R. Johnson (University of Texas), who is the president, CEO, and chairman of Heinz.
[Find schools that offer MBA degrees now]
Earning an MBA can prepare you to take on a leadership role. You'll study theory and see real-world examples of techniques and strategies you'll need to tackle complex business and management problems. In addition to building your business network, you'll also study practical subjects like accounting and marketing.
Related Careers and Salaries:
Industrial Production Manager: $93,650
Sales Manager: $111,570
Financial Manager: $113,730
By Chris Kyle
Chasing the American dream?
Getting a college degree can help a lot.
Just ask Oprah.
The queen of talk majored in speech communications at Tennessee State University in Nashville, home of WLAC-TV, where she became the city's first female African-American news anchor.
Today, she is considered one of the most powerful and influential women in the world.
Clearly one's personal drive accounts for a lot when making it big, but so does a college degree.
[Click here to find the right degree program for you]
Check out which degrees often lead to success, and see how they can help you stand out as a leader too.
Degree #1 - Bachelor's in Business
The old saying "don't mess with success" applies to studying business. Did you know that business is the most popular bachelor's degree in the world, as well as the degree of choice for billionaires like Warren Buffett (University of Nebraska) and Mark Cuban (Indiana University)?
[Find schools that offer Business degrees now]
Studying business can prepare you for a wide variety of jobs in a variety of industries. It also can help you land a high-paying career. According to PayScale's 2010-2011 College Salary Report, workers with a bachelor's degree in business earn more than $70,000 at the mid-career mark.
Related Careers and Salaries:
Insurance Underwriter: $63,330
Budget Analyst: $69,240
Administrative Services Manager: $81,530
[Search for Business schools now]
Degree #2 - Bachelor's in Communications
Oprah isn't the only celebrity with a communications degree. Comedian Jimmy Fallon was originally a computer science major before switching to communications at the College of St. Rose, and shock jock Howard Stern graduated magna cum laude from Boston University with a degree in communications.
[Find schools that offer Communications degrees now]
By studying communications, you'll position yourself for success in any number of industries. Whether it's sales, marketing, journalism, or social media, it's hard to imagine a job that doesn't involve the essential art of communication.
Related Careers and Salaries:
Advertising Sales Agent: $53,190
Public Relations Specialist: $59,370
Technical Writer: $65,610
[Search for Communications programs now]
Degree #3 - Bachelor's in Nursing
Although her name might not ring a bell, Hazel W. Johnson-Brown is a true American success story. Johnson-Brown became the highest ranking African-American female in U.S. military history when she was appointed Chief of the Army Nurse Corps in 1979, with the rank of Brigadier General. Johnson-Brown joined the Army in 1955 after attending the Harlem Hospital School of Nursing. While serving her country, Johnson-Brown also received a bachelor's degree in nursing from Villanova University.
[Find schools that offer Nursing degrees now]
Johnson-Brown embodies the selfless attitude that is a hallmark of nurses everywhere. By going to school and getting a bachelor's in nursing, you'll be qualified to get one of the approximately 3 million registered nursing (RN) jobs in this country. And by getting a bachelor's degree, as opposed to an associate's degree or diploma, you could open yourself up to more advancement opportunities.
Related Careers and Salaries:
RN at Nursing Care Facilities: $59,320
RN at Outpatient Care Centers: $65,690
RN at Surgical Hospitals: $67,740
[Search for Nursing programs now]
Degree #4 - Bachelor's in Economics
Ronald Reagan, the father of "Reaganomics," appropriately studied economics at Eureka College. Studying economic theories can help you better understand the way the world works, making it the degree of choice for many successful politicians and business titans, including Donald Trump (University of Pennsylvania), Ted Turner (Brown University), and eBay's Meg Whitman (Princeton University).
[Find schools that offer Economics and Business degrees now]
Economics is a top-paying degree, according to PayScale's 2010-2011 College Salary Report. With economics grads enjoying an average mid-career salary of $97,800, economics trails only engineering, math and science degrees.
Related Career and Salaries:
Financial Analyst: $85,240
Personal Financial Advisor: $94,180
Actuary: $97,450
[Search for Business degree programs now]
Degree #5 - Master's of Business Administration (MBA)
Long before he transformed the athletic shoe industry, Nike's Phil Knight earned his MBA at Stanford University. He's one of many MBA success stories, which include George W. Bush (Harvard), Gen. Colin Powell (George Washington University), and William R. Johnson (University of Texas), who is the president, CEO, and chairman of Heinz.
[Find schools that offer MBA degrees now]
Earning an MBA can prepare you to take on a leadership role. You'll study theory and see real-world examples of techniques and strategies you'll need to tackle complex business and management problems. In addition to building your business network, you'll also study practical subjects like accounting and marketing.
Related Careers and Salaries:
Industrial Production Manager: $93,650
Sales Manager: $111,570
Financial Manager: $113,730
Sunday, 27 February 2011
.Seven things you should always buy used
Robert Powell reveals how you can save money by always buying these seven things used...
1. Musical equipment
Back when I was a guitar-obsessed teen I bought a lot of my gear secondhand from music stores, local adverts or websites like eBay. Used music gear can save you hundreds of pounds but you should always make sure you check out the quality of the equipment before parting with any cash.
I always tried to buy secondhand gear locally so I could try out the equipment before buying it. Looking around your local music store for used instruments is also a good idea as, if the item breaks, you've got more chance of getting it repaired or at least getting some tips on how to fix it.
Chances are if you're planning on buying a brand new musical instrument you'll want to try it out before parting with your cash anyway; so there's no harm in also keeping an eye open for a cheaper used, version. If you're really unsure about a piece of used equipment it might be a good idea to get a knowledgeable friend or music teacher to try it out and assess its quality before you part with any cash.
Buying cut price used musical gear is also a good idea if you or a family member wants to start learning a new instrument. After all, what starts as a lifelong commitment to a new instrument can often turn into a short lived fad fairly quickly!
It's also worth checking specific used musical gear sites such as Musical Ads and Musical Instrument Sales for second hand bargains as well as general music websites like Nevada Music.
Car boot sales are a gold mine for hammers, saws, paint brushes and a whole host of other DIY equipment. There's not much more to a hammer or paintbrush than meets the eye so as long it still feels sturdy and doesn't look too battered you should be fine with secondhand household tools.
Again, if you're after larger tools, furniture or even electrical gear, then pages such as Freegle, Freecycle and Snaffle Up could help. These community sites are split into regions and allow people to find new homes for unwanted items — and the great thing is, it's completely free! All you'll usually have to do is pick the item up.
Gardening materials
Similarly you can often pick up gardening materials such as mulch, wood chippings and concrete hardcore
Exercise equipment
As we reported in Ditch the gym and get fit for free!, there are cheaper ways to exercise than taking out a gym membership. And likewise, there are cheaper ways to get your hands on your own exercise gear than buying it new. After all, if it knocks off those extra Christmas pounds who cares if its been used before!
As well as the usual suspects (Freegle, Freecycle and Snaffle Up) you could check eBay as well as your local papers. If a fitness DVD is what you're after then head to SwapShop or Swapz where you can swap a DVD you no longer want for an exercise disc.
What's more, February may be the perfect time to get hold of some used exercise gear as many of the people who bought bikes and rowing machines in an attempt to get fit in 2011 have probably given up on their resolution by now!
Video games
It amazes me how much the latest PlayStation and X-Box games cost nowadays! But if you're prepared to wait a month or two for the gaming nerds to beat the final boss and trade the game in — you could pick up a bargain. Just make sure you check the disc for scratches and cracks before parting with your cash.
Most high street game stores will have a used section; I always used to mooch around Blockbuster Video looking out for ex-rental games for my PS1! eBay is a good shout again if you're heading online for your used games, as is Gamestation and Tenner a Game.
Why oh why is the apparent default Christmas or birthday present setting for many people either a dish or a candle? I shouldn't be so ungrateful, as this does mean that if you are ever in need of either a dish or a candle, there's always plenty knocking around car boot sales and charity shops!
As long as they look in one piece with no cracks or chips, a dish is a dish as far as I'm concerned! And who knows, you could even find yourself unwittingly picking up an antique!
Text books
When my colleague Donna Ferguson mentioned in an article that you should never buy books new, it sparked a bit of an argument between authors and readers in the comments section.
Personally I have nothing against buying books second hand, but I do still enjoy a good wander around a book store when searching for something new to read.
But when it comes to weighty and expensive academics textbooks for courses, I'd fully encourage everyone to buy second hand. Most universities will hold a book sale towards the start of the year where you can pick up second hand books for your course.
It's also a good idea to keep an eye out for adverts near to where your course is taking place offering used books from previous students for bargain prices.
Monday, 3 January 2011
Words "viral" and "epic" consigned to college trash
This story might be epic, and could even go viral, but not if Lake Superior State University has anything to do with it. Just sayin.'
The small college in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, released on Friday its annual list of "banished words" -- terms so overused, misused and hackneyed they deserve to be sent to a permanent linguistic trash can in the year ahead.
"Viral," often used to describe the rapid spreading of videos or other content over the Internet, leads the list for 2011.
"This linguistic disease of a term must be quarantined," Kuahmel Allah of Los Angeles said in making a nomination.
Runners-up included "epic" and "fail," often twinned to describe a blunder of monumental proportions.
A total of 14 words were on the list.
Cliched terms such as "wow factor," "a-ha moment," "back story" and "BFF" (Best Friends Forever) rated highly. The very au courant use of "Facebook" and "Google" as verbs got a thumbs down as well.
As usual, election-cycle zingers and catchwords quickly look as worn out as last year's campaign posters.
In that vein, voters suggested the banning of "Mama Grizzlies," used to describe right-wing female politicians in the mold of Sarah Palin, and "man up," famously used by Nevada Republican Senate candidate Sharon Angle in a testy debate with Democrat Harry Reid and a favorite Palin expression as well.
"A stupid phrase when directed at men. Even more stupid when directed at a woman, as in 'Alexis, you need to man up and join that Pilates class!'" said Sherry Edwards of Clarkston, Michigan.
LSSU began its popular list in 1976, when it named "at this point in time," as substituted for the concise and elegant "now," as a linguistic dud. The college now receives well over 1,000 nominations each year through its website, lssu.edu/banished.
Previous winners and nominees include the terms "shovel ready" for 2010, "battleground states" for 2005, "24/7" for 2000 and "family values" for 1995.
(Reporting by Ros Krasny; Editing by Jerry Norton)
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