Thursday 7 April 2011

Tummy Work Out Tips

‘To get a noticeably flatter stomach within a month, do this workout three times a week. Start off with three sets of 10 to 15 reps of each move, building up to 20 reps as you get fitter,' says Flavia. 'If you're a runner or you do a lot of cardio exercise, try to fit in one circuit of these moves at the end of your workout, as it will strengthen your core and help you to run better.'

The core strengthener

An oldie but a goodie, the plank is the move to perfect if you want a solid core.

1. Lie face down, resting your forearms and hands on the floor. Your legs should be straight.
2. Lift your stomach off the floor, keeping your back fl at and straight, head facing the floor and your weight in your toes and forearms.

3. Pull your stomach muscles in tight and hold for between 30 to 60 seconds. Aim for three repetitions.

The tummy tightener

These ball jack-knifes not only focus on tightening your core muscles, they also tone your whole body.

1. Position yourself in a press-up position, with your hands resting on the floor and your shins on the ball.
2. Pull the ball towards you by bringing your knees in towards your torso.

3. Push the ball back to the start position by straightening out your legs, and repeat. Remember not to arch your back and keep your tummy pulled in tight throughout.

The belly-bugle flattener

This ball sit-and-press tones the full length of your abs, with a burst of arm action to boot.

1. Sit on a Swiss ball holding a dumbbell in each hand close into your chest.
2. Pull your stomach muscles in tight and lie back over the ball, keeping the dumbbells close to your chest.

3. Gradually sit up until you're upright, then press the dumbbells out in front of you with your arms straight.

4. Return the dumbbells back to your chest and repeat.

The waist clincher

These side crunches target your obliques - the muscles that run down the side of your torso, and pull in your waist like a corset.

1. Lean your right hip against the ball, with your body curled around it and your legs straight, feet against a wall for stability.
2. With your fingers touching your temples, slowly lift your right side off the ball, bending at the waist towards your left side.

3. Lower back down to the start position and repeat. Switch sides between sets.

The lower-belly blaster

These reverse crunches target that hard-to-exercise soft area at the bottom of your tummy.

1. Lie on your back on the floor, with your arms crossed underneath your head for support. Pull your stomach muscles in tight.

2. Cross one foot loosely over the other and slowly lift your lower legs off the floor, gradually bending your knees in towards your chest.

3. Lower back down slowly allowing your bottom to lightly touch the floor, pause and repeat.

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