Wednesday 14 August 2019

Two Way Communication: Insights For Business

"Sensible suggestions fall on deaf ears. "

"I am facing more resistance and obstacles inside than from the competition"

"This leadership is disconnected from our reality"

Working with Competency Frameworks - the skills, knowledge, aptitude and attitude required to meet the objectives of the organization - provide an opportunity to go below the surface to identify obstacles that are in the way of the effective functioning of the organization.

Wednesday 5 June 2019

How Conflict Stalks Us – With The Best Of Intentions

"I did not see that coming!"  Another unintended conflict.

Conflict might be unintentionally prompted simply on the basis of how we prefer to communicate. 

Recall that conflict may be hidden or suppressed and may not be openly expressed. Conflict is the existence of an unmet need. Whether hidden or expressed, conflict influences our behaviour.

The scary thing is that even the nicest ones among could be active agents of conflict – just by being themselves!

Friday 29 March 2019

Be A Peacemaker

Years ago Joel and I were at an event when a man whom we didn't know began a conversation with us. He was very passionate about an idea that he was trying to persuade Joel to believe as well, and the longer he talked the more intense he got. Joel mostly smiled and occasionally nodded his head. After the man was finished and walked away, I said, "Joel, I know that you don't believe what he was saying. Why didn't you tell him what you think about it?" Joel looked at me and said, "Victoria, I wasn't put on this earth to straighten everybody out. I would rather hold my peace than prove him wrong."

Monday 25 February 2019


Wall Street Lawyer and Business Mogul Reginald F. Lewis goes down in history as the richest African-American in the 80s. With his iconic acquisition of $985 million, it was the largest leveraged buyout in America, making Lewis the first Black billion-dollar deal maker.


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