Monday, 14 November 2016


I reckon that about 90% of Nigerian institutions in the private and public sector have the words Integrity or Transparency listed as one of their corporate values, yet Nigeria is still listed among the most corrupt countries in the world, and if the recent statements of the President and the Vice President are anything to go by – we are very corrupt. So it means that I would be stating the obvious to say that most people just put up those fancy value statements to fulfil all righteousness, tick boxes or perhaps to even create the false impression that they should be trusted.

Sunday, 13 November 2016

5 Tips To find Your Personal Purpose

Invest some time in figuring out your real story and you'll be happier, less stressed and in the right job. By Richard Hytner

What’s your story? Your real story, I mean. Not some carefully curated version of yourself designed to impress friends on Facebook or to look more employable on LinkedIn, useful shortcuts though these social media provide to people wanting to get to know you.

The most authentic and enduring brands are built from the inside out. The least convincing, destined for a short shelf life, are those that believe they can communicate their way to greatness. That’s not branding, it’s spin, and people see that for what it is – manipulative, too good to be true, an over promise that the brand can only ever fail to deliver.


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