Thursday 23 January 2014

The power of RE: Mastering the power of "RE" at work and in our personal lives.

Over the holidays, I spent quite a bit of time thinking about a tiny word with giant implications. The word is “RE”. Strictly speaking it isn’t really a word at all, but a prefix derived from latin and meaning "back to the original place; again, anew, once more.”

I have been thinking about “RE” because it has come to play such an important role in our lives. Modern society, and popular culture in particular, has become obsessed with a quest to re-invent our world. This has resulted in the disruption and restructuring of entire industries - from publishing and entertainment to financial services, travel, and education. Blue Chip corporations and Silicon Valley start-ups alike are obsessed with re-imagining every aspect of our lives. But this pre-occupation with “RE” is not limited to business and technology. Look a little deeper, and you will find evidence of “RE” in almost every
spiritual and philosophical belief system – from the resurrection to reincarnation, life is defined by the endless cycle of birth, death and re-birth, or what Nietzsche referred to as “Eternal Recurrence”.

Now, you may be wondering why I squandered my holiday thinking about this, and why I am now wasting your time expecting you to read these ramblings. Well, I believe that we can gain an enormous amount by harnessing the power of “RE”, both in our personal lives and in our work.

In 2014, I challenge you all to re-evaluate yourselves, re-consider things you take for granted, re-imagine your approach to problems, re-invent your solutions, find new ways to re-fuel and recharge. Engage in activities that allow you to rejuvenate, resuscitate your interest in hobbies that you may have neglected, find ways to reconnect with the core of who you are… because this sense of self will provide you with the anchor necessary to master the power of “RE”… and armed with this power, you can bend the world to your will.
Welcome back, and may your 2014 be filled with the power of “RE”.


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