Over the holidays, I spent quite a bit of time thinking about a tiny
word with giant implications. The word is “RE”. Strictly speaking it
isn’t really a word at all, but a prefix derived from latin and meaning
"back to the original place; again, anew, once more.”
I have been thinking about “RE” because it has come to play such an
important role in our lives. Modern society, and popular culture in
particular, has become obsessed with a quest to re-invent our world.
This has resulted in the disruption and restructuring of entire
industries - from publishing and entertainment to financial services,
travel, and education. Blue Chip corporations and Silicon Valley
start-ups alike are obsessed with re-imagining every aspect of our
lives. But this pre-occupation with “RE” is not limited to business and
technology. Look a little deeper, and you will find evidence of “RE” in
almost every