By: Solomon Ojeagbase
Telecommunications using a comprehensive framework, I examine the impact of competition in the telecommunications sector. Privatization contributed substantially to labour shedding, output growth, network expansion, and improvements in labor productivity as well as total factor productivity. But how countries privatized is important. Share issue privatization facilitated the development of the mobile market segment. Granting a newly privatized operator a period of exclusive market access, on the other hand, reduced the gains from privatization (due to the output-restricting tendency associated with market power) but not entirely negated the gains.
The presence of competitive pressure in the market was associated with more employment, higher output, faster network expansion, and higher labor and total factor productivity. We find evidence of complementarity between privatization and competition in that competition increased the gains from privatization and vice versa. Estimates show that half of the output growth between 1990 and 1998 was attributable to privatization and competition after controlling for input growth. Competition appeared to have a larger impact on labor and total factor productivity than privatization.
Telecommunication can be defined as the branch of electrical engineering concerned with the technology of electronic communication at a distance, subsequently Telecommunication can also be defined as the system used in transmitting messages over a distance electronically.