Monday 15 March 2010

3 Secrets to Understanding Women

Do you ever feel like understanding women is impossible?

One minute you're talking to her about her favorite ice cream flavor, and the next minute she's mad at you because you made fun of strawberry as being the only flavor people avoid like the plague. What the...?

Women are are emotional creatures, which makes it that much harder to understand them. But there is a way to figure them out.

IF you know the secrets!

So I'm going to give you my top 3 secrets for understanding women. If you use this knowledge when you approach women and flirt with women, you'll magnify your results by ten times what other guys get. Guaranteed.

Let's start with:

Secret #1 For Understanding Women: She wants to play...

If there's one thing guys hate, it's the lack of control that we feel when we approach women or talk to women. After all, women seem to have all the control over things, don't they? You've got to show confidence, walk up, open a conversation, and take things where they need to go. You have to be a leader.

But in the end, SHE winds up having the final decision, right? She gets to approve - or reject - you based on your performance. This feels like a ton of pressure, and with no guarantee of success. Who knows if you'll get her phone number? Or a date?

I know, not cool. But it's the way it feels.

One of the biggest mistakes guys will do is to get frustrated when they don't know how things are going, and they do one of two things:

A) Hurry things up - We rush everything along so we can figure out whether this is worth our time. Does she dig us or not?


B) Try to "pin things down" - Try to make things more clear about where we stand with her.

One of the vital keys to understanding women is knowing that women HATE certainty. Oh, sure, she'll say she wants to know where everything is, but when she KNOWS how you feel for her, it kills the attraction she feels.

It's just like a mystery novel. Would you bother reading one all the way through if you knew the butler "did it"? No way!

So play with her a little bit. Don't give her everything she asks for. Don't answer all her questions. Don't call her when she expects it.

Play with her a little and she'll thank you by getting more and more interested in you. It's a natural law of attraction that most guys break.

Secret #2 For Understanding Women: Give her fun, and she will follow...

Most of what women are looking for from a guy is an escape.

An escape from what, you ask?

The other needy guys out there that are driving her insane by calling her or texting her every 3 minutes. And an escape from her ordinary life. I'm sure you probably the same thing I used to - that some hot girl in a club must have an incredibly exciting life going on - but nothing could be further from the truth.

The reality is that women are surrounded with boredom - a boring job, a boring family, and a boring routine. And all she's waiting for is the right guy to come along and change that. So you've got to be her Prince Charming.

No, you don't need a horse, or be dressed in a suit of armor. You just have to show her a FUN time! That's it. And fun is a lot easier than you think.

Movies? No. Dinner? No. Think outside the box.

Here are some things women find fun:

- Shopping: Take her to a couple of funky stores she's never been to before

- Music: Take her to go see a live band that rocks

- Arcade: Challenge her to some video games

Just go look at the event calendar for where you live and you'll have more things to do than you can possibly schedule in. And the best part is that those are also the places to go to meet more women.

Give her a fun escape from her everyday life of boring guys who just want to see what they can "get" from her. Give her real value, and she will recognize you as being the kind of guy that she can let her guard down with.

Secret #3 For Understanding Women: 90% of success is just not being a "try-hard"...

It took me a long time to get this one in my thick skull, but when it came to understanding women and what made them interested in me as a man, it wasn't so much about what I needed to do as it was NOT do.

Most guys are working way too hard to get a woman's approval. You can get a woman interested in you for a lot less energy, and faster when you realize how this works.

Again, most men are trying to impress a woman to get her interested. The problem is that this is the same thing that kids used to do, and it didn't work then, either.

You remember that kid who used to work so hard to get you to like him? He'd give you toys, or food, or compliment you, or ask you to come over and watch television at his house. And you might have taken the gifts, or the compliment, or gone over to watch television, but you had that weird feeling that something wasn't right. You wanted to like him, but you just felt more annoyed about how he was always there - trying to impress you and be your friend.

He was guilty of being a "try-hard."

Well, guess what? You may be older, but that doesn't mean that we don't still try to win women this way.

If there's anything about understanding women that you need to remember it's this: You can't push a woman into liking you.

She has to feel like she FELL into it. This is where we get that saying "falling in love." It has to feel like it was meant to be, and that destiny brought you two together.

Otherwise, you just seem like that needy kid on the playground driving her crazy.

So there you go - those are my three secrets for understanding women.

While other guys are out there complaining about how they're frustrated and annoyed with women, you can smile and nod your head at them. You understand that women are simply working under their own "emotional logic."

And all you have to do is know a few simple secrets to get past all the weird psychology - and have her chasing after you.

- Carlos Xuma
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