Wednesday 30 March 2016

Owan West Local Government of Edo State

Owan West is a Local Government Area of Edo State, Nigeria. It is one of the six Local Government of Edo north which are collectively referred to as Afemai. It headquarters is in the town of Sabongida Ora. Owan West Local Government Area was created from the defunct Bendel State on the 27th August, 1991.

Geography of  Owan West

Owan West Local Government Area occupies a Landmass of about 827.93 square kilometres. It lies along on Latitude 6°East of Greenwich Meridian and Latitude 7° North of Equator. The distance between the Local Government Area and the State Capital, Benin City is 120 kilometres. It is bounded in the North by Owan East Local Government Area and in the South by Ovia Northwest and by Ondo State.

The Local Government derives its name from River Owan which rises in the Northwest of Otuo and flows South West to Eme and Uhonmora before turning South West to join River Ose in Ondo State.
The Local Government Area has tropical Climate Characterized by two distinct Seasons, namely, the Wet and dry seasons, which occur between April and October with a break in August and average rainfall which ranges from 180cm – 250cm, while the dry season last from November to April. The harmattan season is experienced between December and January.
The vegetation of the Local Government Area varies from swamp forest to rain forest. There exists forest belt in the Local Government Area which account for the very tall trees, although deforestation has eaten deep into the forest belt which has turn part of the forest belt to grassland.

People of Owan West

Owan West Local Government is made up of four (4) clans with the administrative headquarters at Sabongidda – Ora. The four (4) clans are as follows; Ozalla, Ora, Iuleha and Sobe. The latter was carved out from Ondo State on 27th August, 1991 to join Owan West Local Government Area for administrative convenience. Each of these clans has its Traditional Ruler with distinct title. In Ora Clan, traditional ruler is addressed as the “Oje of Ora”, Ozalla traditional ruler is titled the “Onotare of Ozalla”. In Iuleha Clan, the traditional ruler is called the “Okumagbe of Iuleha”, while Sobe Clan traditional ruler is known as “Odibiado of Sobe”.
The traditional rulers form the Owan West Local Government Traditional Council. These four Clans are further divided into eleven political wards. Ozalla and Sobe Clans have only a single ward each, Ora Clan have three (3) wards, while Iuleha clan have six (6) wards. However, there exist Igbira, Urhobo, Hausa and Yoruba Settlements/Camps in the Local Government Area.
All the Clans share a common origin and are distinguished by their relative Cultural and linguistic linkage. The four Clans traced their origin to the Ancient Benin Kingdom. Although, there now exist difference in language(s)/dialect(s). Cultural Similarities exist in the area of traditional mode of dressing and it varies in terms of traditional festival each clan celebrates. The people of Owan west Local Government are mostly Christianity, Muslims and Traditional religion practitioners.

Demography of Owan West

The Population of Owan West Local Government Area as revealed by the 2006 population is 99,056 in 2006 and with a population density of 120 persons per square kilometre as at 2006.
The projection for 2014 estimated the Local Government population to be 127,439 and with a population density of 154 persons per square kilometre. Its population is estimated to growth rate of 3.20 percent annually. Facts have shown that fertility has been growing while mortality has been on the decline though still relatively high when compared with the International bench mark. From the 2006 Census for the Local Government Area, Uzebba, Sobe, Ozalla, Sabongidda – Ora and Uhonmora Constitute the core Semi – Urban Towns in the Local Government Area.

Socio Economy of Owan West

Agriculture is the mainstay of Owan West  economy. The Local Government Area is a Major Food Basket of the State.
Among the common agricultural crops include; Cassava, Plantain, Yam, Cocoa, Oranges and Cashew. The Forest Belt of the Local Government Area house economic trees such as Iroko, Obeche, Mahogany etc. while fruits such as Oranges, Pineapple, Mangoes, Pear and Banana are also cultivated.
The Local Government is in forefront of Cocoa Production in the South-South Zone and this induced the establishment of Nigeria Institute for Cocoa Research in the Local Government Area.
Owan West is also endowed with solid minerals. Among the solid minerals found in the Local Government are Mica, Gysum, Kaolin, Sandstone etc. Though, the solid mineral deposit is yet to be utilized.
There are a number of wood and timber processing industries and other form of commerce activities exist in the Local Government Area.
The tourism industry is yet to take its place in the Scheme of things, there exist sites for tourist attraction such as Ogela Hills, Giant foot prints, Orhueren river, Udolivbranmi Shaiashile. These Tourist Centres are yet to fully develop for tourist attraction. Historical Monument in the Local Government Area are as follows; Ora-Ekpen Statue, Uzebba Khile Statue and Iuleha Symbol (three-in-one stone). In the area of Music, traditional performers still entertain at burials and other Ceremonial events as well as folkleric lyrics and Modern rhythms with Local Inspiration.

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